Rising From The Ashes | My Journey Overcoming A Toxic Relationship To PumPum Power

Unveiling the Transformative Path

To Empowerment and Healing

In the ashes of a toxic relationship, where despair had entrapped me, my journey to PumPum Power began—a phoenix rising from the ruins of heartache and deception. It all begun when I dared to look at myself and my situation and asked the question, "How The Hell Did I Get Here?"

That question forced me to face the truth of what I have avoided all these years. The truth was, while I was hoping, praying, wishing and waling that he would change, I alone could change my circumstances.

While years went by, waiting for him to change, in the end, I had the keys all along. It was a painful discovery, because it layed the responsibility of shaking lose from a toxic relationships, squarely at my feet.

No more excuses.

No more reason to postpone it.

No more justifications.

No permissions needed.

I had to make the move to get the hell out!

This is not just a tale of survival but a narrative of resilience, empowerment, and a profound metamorphosis as cronicled in the MasterClass series PumPum Power. This Masterclass was born when I dared to reclaim my power which I had given away on a gold platter.

Breaking the Chains of Victimhood

In the cocoon of toxicity, I once saw myself solely as a victim entangled in a deceptive web. But one pivotal moment shattered this illusion.

It was the epiphany that I too was an active participant in the dance of dysfunction. This acknowledgment was the first spark of my empowerment—a realization that I held the pen to my own story.

The Awakening | The Broken Dam

In the eerie aftermath of a brutal confrontation that echoed through the walls of our home, I found myself ensnared in the aftermath of a war that had been waged for 18 years.

The clock's mournful chime at 3 a.m. marked the residue of a battle that, though fleeting in its physical manifestation, had roots deep in the soil of our long existence as a couple.

As I lay in the aftermath of our bitter verbal skirmish, the venomous words still reverberating in my mind, I sensed an anger that refused to be quelled.

It was a living, breathing entity of rage, evolving and growing rapidly under the shroud of darkness, as if the night itself had birthed a relentless force.

The weight of his disrespect pressed upon me, stealing not only my peace but also my dignity that lay scattered like shards of glass on the floor.

To survive in this war that became a constant in our relationship, I had crafted my own ugly set of tools, becoming a master at personal attacks.

Since there was no real compromise coming from him, all rational discourse had long abandoned our home, replaced by a language of verbal warfare that left no room for understanding or respectful disagreements.

But the funny thing about having a none-ending war in any relationship is, you may win small battles today or tomorrow. But in the end, there are no winners. There are only losers.

Restless and wounded, I made my way to the comforting glow of the kitchen light, where a notepad lay—an unwitting witness to late-night musings and dream deciphering.

A decision crystallized within me. I would pen down the first twenty things that I blamed him for, an exorcism of the pent-up rage that was now boiling over and consuming me.

As the ink flowed, my grievances spilled onto the pages like an unbridled river. The list, which I later christened "My Mad Woman’s List," became a catalogue of hurts, wounds, pain, disrespect, neglect, lies and betrayals compounded by the silent burdens of shame I had carried through the years.

Living with a man who took no responsibilty for any wrong doing, who deemed no time right for important conversations, left me no outlet.

No room for resolution, on issues big or small. And so, I became a silent jujitsu master at keeping scores. Adept at preserving every detail of my hurts and disappointments and all the incidents where he almost broke me.

The pen danced, as I continued writing, revealing not just the events of that fateful day but a chronicle of every instance where I felt belittled, criticized, controlled, used, and betrayed.

In the end, I was looking down at my top 100 list of evidence of non-commital, that I meticulously documented in our 18 years of battle, in a lost war that defined our relationship.

An Unexpected Revelation

Yet, as I poured my grievances onto paper, an unexpected clarity begun to emerge. What started as a litany of blame, morphed into a revelation—a glimpse into the toxic stew I had willingly submerged myself in.

The boundaries I had meticulously set for myself, in the name of compromise, had disappeared. I was a puppet on his strings, pulling and tugging and forcing me to dance at his convenience.

I had spoon-fed him my power and he, with a voracious appetite for one-sided loyalty, had devoured it. Leaving me helpless, lost and feeling victimized.

It dawned on me, amidst the countless entries, that my life and happiness meant nothing to him. Our relationship, was an "In the mean-time relationship," and was allowed to continue, purely for his convenience rather than genuine connection. It was a revelation I could no longer ignore.

As I turned inwards, I was ashamed to admit that I willingly participated to create a life that was one-sided and dysfunctional. In this moment of clarity, a mask fell from my eyes, revealing the deep cracks of my broken heart that I had ignored for far too long.

Questions begun to surface, cutting through the fog that had clouded my vision for so long.

"Where had I been all this time?"

"How had I willingly become a participant in this toxic dance?"

As the filters fell away, the anger toward him also crumbled, replaced by an intense disgust directed inward.

I had compromised my own well-being to fit into a distorted version of love, allowing infidelity, lies, and dishonesty to reign unchecked.

"My Mad Woman’s List" became a mirror reflecting his wrongs but, more painfully, my own capitulation to a life of compromise.

In the stark realization that I was both victim and accomplice, a journey of awakening quickly began. The broken dam, once holding back the floods of truth, had burst open, flooding my consciousness with the harsh reality—I also had a staring role in my movie, a co-creator, a producer of my own reality.

My Mad Woman's List

It was a watershed moment, the awakening that demanded I confront his sins but also the harsh truth that I had willingly participated in my own downfall. The man I had held responsible for the state of our relationship was now just a player in a script I had co-authored

The blame, once solely cast upon him, now cascaded back to me like a relentless tide. As the realization settled, the victim labels I clung to began to peel away, revealing a stark truth—I was present during the creation of my dysfunctional life, but give up my agency to stand up and fight for what I wanted, a long time ago.

The journey through "My Mad Woman’s List" was more than a recounting of grievances; it was a reckoning. The pages turned into a confessional, each line etching a painful admission of my own surrender to a toxic cycle.

It was a journey from victimhood to ownership, from blaming to acknowledging. The shackles of denial fell away, replaced by the weight of responsibility.

The raw honesty of the list became a mirror reflecting the fractures in our relationship but more importantly, the fractures within myself. How had I allowed the toxicity to fester? When had I become a passive spectator in the erosion of my own boundaries? Why did I not stand up for myself?

With each realization, a veil lifted as I confronted the bitter reality that the compromises I made for the sake of "getting along" were, in fact, self-betrayals. And my silence was not compromise. It was giving up. A refusal to defend my shifting boundries.

I had handed him the reins of my happiness, and in my complacency, he had ridden roughshod over my dignity. In the bright light of self-awareness, the anger that had once burned towards him, shifted into a searing indictment of my own choices. The question echoed...

"June, who did you have to become to fit so nicely into this toxic love?"

The awakening was not just about recognizing the dysfunction but, more importantly, about reclaiming the agency I had willingly surrendered.

It was the acknowledgment that the relationship, far from being a sanctuary, had become a prison of my own making.

As the first light of dawn broke through, I was not just a woman licking her wounds but a phoenix rising from the ashes of self-deception.

The broken dam, instead of drowning me, became the steping stone I would use to climb out of river of deception, to the banks of self-discovery and empowerment.

The journey that started that sleepless night, was a metamorphosis—from a woman ensnared in victimhood to one embracing the power to redefine her narrative.

It marked not just the end of a toxic chapter but the beginning of a story where I, June Sennon, was finally in control of my own narrative. Ready to throw away the old script and rewrite one for myself that boast of empowerment, intregrity and self-worth. And the audacity to reclaim my PumPumPower.

June Sennon

A Self-Professed Survivor Of A 21-Year Long Dysfunctional Relationship | That Went From Broken Wings To Soaring Spirits

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"Breaking Free From A Toxic Relationship Requires You To Change, not him"

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